• Radfahrer bei Himmelpfort,
                Picture: REGiO-Nord mbH/André Wirsig Radfahrer bei Himmelpfort, Picture: REGiO-Nord mbH/André Wirsig
    Cycling through the Ruppiner Seenland

    Get on the pedals!

    Get on the pedals!
  • Cycling through the Ruppiner Seenland

Cycling bliss in the Lakeland Cycling tours along riverside paths and forest roads

On two wheels in the Ruppiner Seenland you will roll along picturesque lakeshores, cross river courses, cycle through dense forests and discover cultural highlights along the way. Whether it's an individual day tour with the junction signposting or a multi-day tour along the supra-regional long-distance cycle routes - well-maintained cycle routes and certified "Bett+Bike" accommodation enable you to enjoy a comfortable cycling holiday.

Are you an ambitious cyclist? Then venture onto the international Berlin-Copenhagen cycle path, which runs lengthways through the Ruppiner Seenland. Follow in the footsteps of Theodor Fontane on the 300-kilometre "FONTANE.RAD-Route". Or explore the Havel Cycle Path - always along the lovely river landscape.

Fans of pedelecs and e-bikes will find numerous charging facilities in the Ruppiner Seenland.

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Long-distance cycle routes & multi-day tours

Discover the water-rich and historic region north of Berlin from the saddle of a bike: Cycle in the footsteps of a famous writer, follow rivers and Prussian memorials and learn about the history of idyllic villages and historic towns. Along the way, certified Bed & Bike accommodation ensures restful nights. Of course, the individual daily stages are also worth a bike trip in themselves!

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Berlin-Copenhagen cycle path - Discovering Nature and Culture by Bike

Berlin-Copenhagen cycle path - Discovering Nature and… Berlin-Copenhagen cycle path - Discovering… Berlin-Copenhagen cycle path - Discovering Nature… Berlin-Copenhagen cycle path - Discovering Nature and Culture by Bike
(365 km)

With its 680 kilometres and therefrom 365 km in Germany and 120 km in Brandenburg, the Berlin-Kopenhagen bike path connects two…
With its 680 kilometres and therefrom 365 km in Germany and 120 km in Brandenburg, the…
With its 680 kilometres and therefrom 365 km in Germany and 120 km in Brandenburg, the Berlin-Kopenhagen bike path connects two European…
With its 680 kilometres and therefrom 365 km in Germany and 120 km in Brandenburg, the Berlin-Kopenhagen bike path connects two European…
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An der Havel, Foto: Schwartz, Lizenz: TMB-Fotoarchiv
Havel Cycle Path

Havel Cycle Path Havel Cycle Path Havel Cycle Path Havel Cycle Path
(397 km)

Accompany the River Havel for 397 km on its fantastic and varied course before it merges with River Elbe, along the numerous lakes…
Accompany the River Havel for 397 km on its fantastic and varied course before it merges…
Accompany the River Havel for 397 km on its fantastic and varied course before it merges with River Elbe, along the numerous lakes lined up…
Accompany the River Havel for 397 km on its fantastic and varied course before it merges with River Elbe, along the numerous lakes lined up…
Nauen OT Ribbeck
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Havelradweg bei Werder, Foto: TMB
“Experience the Original” - Entire FONTANE.RAD Route with Day Trips and Detours

“Experience the Original” - Entire FONTANE.RAD Route with… “Experience the Original” - Entire… “Experience the Original” - Entire FONTANE.RAD… “Experience the Original” - Entire FONTANE.RAD Route with Day Trips…
(284 km)

“Erlebe das Original”: This bicycle route explores the northwest of Brandenburg in the footsteps of one of Brandenburg’s most…
“Erlebe das Original”: This bicycle route explores the northwest of Brandenburg in the…
“Erlebe das Original”: This bicycle route explores the northwest of Brandenburg in the footsteps of one of Brandenburg’s most famous…
“Erlebe das Original”: This bicycle route explores the northwest of Brandenburg in the footsteps of one of Brandenburg’s most famous…
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Schloss Oranienburg, Foto: Frank Liebke, Lizenz: TMB-Fotoarchiv
In the Footsteps of the Prussians

In the Footsteps of the Prussians In the Footsteps of the Prussians In the Footsteps of the Prussians In the Footsteps of the Prussians
(98 km)

For some years now, they have been considered a special treasure in the state of Brandenburg: towns with historic centres. 31 of…
For some years now, they have been considered a special treasure in the state of…
For some years now, they have been considered a special treasure in the state of Brandenburg: towns with historic centres. 31 of them have…
Between Gransee and Kremmen there are lots to stops to explore (92 kilometres) For some years now, they have been considered a special…
Neuruppin | Ruppiner Seenland
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Schloss Rheinsberg
Queen Luise Cycle Path

Queen Luise Cycle Path Queen Luise Cycle Path Queen Luise Cycle Path Queen Luise Cycle Path
(222 km)

The Königin-Luise route is some 220 kilometres long and follows in the footsteps of the Prussian Queen Luise who died in 1810. The…
The Königin-Luise route is some 220 kilometres long and follows in the footsteps of the…
The Königin-Luise route is some 220 kilometres long and follows in the footsteps of the Prussian Queen Luise who died in 1810. The route…
The Königin-Luise route is some 220 kilometres long and follows in the footsteps of the Prussian Queen Luise who died in 1810. The route…
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Auf dem Königin-Luise-Radweg, Foto: TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH, Lizenz: TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH
The Berlin Wall Trail - Seeking the Traces of History along the former Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall Trail - Seeking the Traces of History along… The Berlin Wall Trail - Seeking the Traces of… The Berlin Wall Trail - Seeking the Traces of… The Berlin Wall Trail - Seeking the Traces of History along the former…
(159 km)

The Berlin Wall Trail has a total distance of 160 kilometres. The tour starts off in central Berlin, at Potsdamer Platz. Heading…
The Berlin Wall Trail has a total distance of 160 kilometres. The tour starts off in…
The Berlin Wall Trail has a total distance of 160 kilometres. The tour starts off in central Berlin, at Potsdamer Platz. Heading southeast…
The Berlin Wall Trail has a total distance of 160 kilometres. The tour starts off in central Berlin, at Potsdamer Platz. Heading southeast…
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Im Norden Berlins, Foto: TMB/Huff
Berlin-Copenhagen cycle path - Discovering Nature and Culture by Bike

Berlin-Copenhagen cycle path - Discovering Nature and Culture by Bike Berlin-Copenhagen cycle path - Discovering Nature and Culture by Bike
(365 km)

With its 680 kilometres and therefrom 365 km in Germany and 120 km in Brandenburg, the Berlin-Kopenhagen bike path connects two European capitals and takes its participants on a truly natural and cultural pleasure ride. A first stopover after starting in Berlin is the town of Oranienburg presenting a baroque palace and the nearby memorial site Sachsenhausen. One comes across the little…
With its 680 kilometres and therefrom 365 km in Germany and 120 km in Brandenburg, the Berlin-Kopenhagen bike path connects two European capitals and takes its participants on a truly natural and cultural pleasure ride. A first stopover after starting in Berlin is the town of Oranienburg presenting…
With its 680 kilometres and therefrom 365 km in Germany and 120 km in Brandenburg, the Berlin-Kopenhagen bike path connects two European capitals and takes its participants on a truly natural and cultural pleasure ride. A first…
With its 680 kilometres and therefrom 365 km in Germany and 120 km in Brandenburg, the Berlin-Kopenhagen bike path connects two European…
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An der Havel, Foto: Schwartz, Lizenz: TMB-Fotoarchiv
Havel Cycle Path

Havel Cycle Path Havel Cycle Path Havel Cycle Path Havel Cycle Path
(397 km)

Accompany the River Havel for 397 km on its fantastic and varied course before it merges with River Elbe, along the numerous lakes…
Accompany the River Havel for 397 km on its fantastic and varied course before it merges…
Accompany the River Havel for 397 km on its fantastic and varied course before it merges with River Elbe, along the numerous lakes lined up…
Accompany the River Havel for 397 km on its fantastic and varied course before it merges with River Elbe, along the numerous lakes lined up…
Nauen OT Ribbeck
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Havelradweg bei Werder, Foto: TMB
“Experience the Original” - Entire FONTANE.RAD Route with Day Trips and Detours

“Experience the Original” - Entire FONTANE.RAD Route with… “Experience the Original” - Entire… “Experience the Original” - Entire FONTANE.RAD… “Experience the Original” - Entire FONTANE.RAD Route with Day Trips…
(284 km)

“Erlebe das Original”: This bicycle route explores the northwest of Brandenburg in the footsteps of one of Brandenburg’s most…
“Erlebe das Original”: This bicycle route explores the northwest of Brandenburg in the…
“Erlebe das Original”: This bicycle route explores the northwest of Brandenburg in the footsteps of one of Brandenburg’s most famous…
“Erlebe das Original”: This bicycle route explores the northwest of Brandenburg in the footsteps of one of Brandenburg’s most famous…
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Schloss Oranienburg, Foto: Frank Liebke, Lizenz: TMB-Fotoarchiv
In the Footsteps of the Prussians

In the Footsteps of the Prussians In the Footsteps of the Prussians
(98 km)

For some years now, they have been considered a special treasure in the state of Brandenburg: towns with historic centres. 31 of them have joined together to form a cooperative to return these urban centres to their former vibrancy. On this tour, cyclists can see for themselves the progress made in four member towns. At 92 kilometres in length, the route between Gransee, Rheinsberg,…
For some years now, they have been considered a special treasure in the state of Brandenburg: towns with historic centres. 31 of them have joined together to form a cooperative to return these urban centres to their former vibrancy. On this tour, cyclists can see for themselves the progress made in…
For some years now, they have been considered a special treasure in the state of Brandenburg: towns with historic centres. 31 of them have joined together to form a cooperative to return these urban centres to their former…
Between Gransee and Kremmen there are lots to stops to explore (92 kilometres) For some years now, they have been considered a special…
Neuruppin | Ruppiner Seenland
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Schloss Rheinsberg

Day tours & family excursions by bike

Whether a regional farm store, a nice café, a zoo or a viewing tower - in contrast to the motivation for a cycle tour on long-distance cycle paths, the destination is often the main focus of a day trip. Go on a discovery tour and experience the Ruppiner Seenland! The tours are sorted by length.

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Tierpark-Heide-Radweg (Naturroute Neuruppin)

Tierpark-Heide-Radweg (Naturroute Neuruppin) Tierpark-Heide-Radweg (Naturroute Neuruppin) Tierpark-Heide-Radweg (Naturroute Neuruppin) Tierpark-Heide-Radweg (Naturroute Neuruppin)
(21 km)

The Tierpark-Heide cycle path, also called the Neuruppin Nature Route, runs from the Rheinsberger Tor railway station in Neuruppin…
The Tierpark-Heide cycle path, also called the Neuruppin Nature Route, runs from the…
The Tierpark-Heide cycle path, also called the Neuruppin Nature Route, runs from the Rheinsberger Tor railway station in Neuruppin via the…
The Tierpark-Heide cycle path, also called the Neuruppin Nature Route, runs from the Rheinsberger Tor railway station in Neuruppin via the…
Neuruppin | Ruppiner Seenland
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Tierpark-Heide cycle path, Foto: Itta Olaj, Lizenz: Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland
Discover farm stores by bike: Kremmen's regional specialties

Discover farm stores by bike: Kremmen's regional… Discover farm stores by bike: Kremmen's… Discover farm stores by bike: Kremmen's regional… Discover farm stores by bike: Kremmen's regional specialties
(27 km)

Signed junctions point the way - bike lovers can explore the entire Ruppiner Seenland using the big red numbers. Starting from the…
Signed junctions point the way - bike lovers can explore the entire Ruppiner Seenland…
Signed junctions point the way - bike lovers can explore the entire Ruppiner Seenland using the big red numbers. Starting from the beautiful…
Signed junctions point the way - bike lovers can explore the entire Ruppiner Seenland using the big red numbers. Starting from the beautiful…
Neuruppin | Ruppiner Seenland
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Vehlefanz windmill, Foto: Jannika Olesch, Lizenz: Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland e.V.
Leisure triathlon around Neuruppin

Leisure triathlon around Neuruppin Leisure triathlon around Neuruppin Leisure triathlon around Neuruppin Leisure triathlon around Neuruppin
(29 km)

The leisure triathlon around Neuruppin is an excellent alternative for all those who prefer active pursuits: the first stage is a…
The leisure triathlon around Neuruppin is an excellent alternative for all those who…
The leisure triathlon around Neuruppin is an excellent alternative for all those who prefer active pursuits: the first stage is a bicycle…
The leisure triathlon around Neuruppin is an excellent alternative for all those who prefer active pursuits: the first stage is a bicycle…
Neuruppin | Ruppiner Seenland
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Bei Neuruppin, Foto: Steffen Lehmann, Lizenz: TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH
Stechlinsee Cycle Path

Stechlinsee Cycle Path Stechlinsee Cycle Path Stechlinsee Cycle Path Stechlinsee Cycle Path
(40 km)

From Gransee, the Stechlinsee Cycle Path leads partially along a historic railway line through Stechlin-Ruppiner Land Nature Park…
From Gransee, the Stechlinsee Cycle Path leads partially along a historic railway line…
From Gransee, the Stechlinsee Cycle Path leads partially along a historic railway line through Stechlin-Ruppiner Land Nature Park to Lake…
From Gransee, the Stechlinsee Cycle Path leads partially along a historic railway line through Stechlin-Ruppiner Land Nature Park to Lake…
Neuruppin | Ruppiner Seenland
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Anleger Am Stechlinsee, Foto: TMB-Fotoarchiv/Steffen Lehmann
Dutch Circular Trail

Dutch Circular Trail Dutch Circular Trail Dutch Circular Trail Dutch Circular Trail
(42 km)

The monument to Electress Louise-Henriette of Orange in front of Oranienburg Palace is one of the most striking indications of…
The monument to Electress Louise-Henriette of Orange in front of Oranienburg Palace is one…
The monument to Electress Louise-Henriette of Orange in front of Oranienburg Palace is one of the most striking indications of Dutch…
The monument to Electress Louise-Henriette of Orange in front of Oranienburg Palace is one of the most striking indications of Dutch…
Oranienburg | Ruppiner Seenland
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Schloss Oranienburg, Foto: TV Ruppiner Seenland e.V., Lizenz: TV Ruppiner Seenland e.V.

Prignitz-Express-Tour Prignitz-Express-Tour Prignitz-Express-Tour Prignitz-Express-Tour
(42 km)

Railway romance in the east Prignitz-Ruppin. If you are looking for this, you have come to the right place! The route leads along…
Railway romance in the east Prignitz-Ruppin. If you are looking for this, you have come to…
Railway romance in the east Prignitz-Ruppin. If you are looking for this, you have come to the right place! The route leads along the…
Railway romance in the east Prignitz-Ruppin. If you are looking for this, you have come to the right place! The route leads along the…
Neuruppin | Ruppiner Seenland
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Crossing in Neuruppin, Foto: Jannika Olesch, Lizenz: Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland e. V.
Discover farm stores by bike: Regional, culinary delights near Fürstenberg/Havel

Discover farm stores by bike: Regional, culinary delights… Discover farm stores by bike: Regional,… Discover farm stores by bike: Regional, culinary… Discover farm stores by bike: Regional, culinary delights near…
(43 km)

Red large numbers show you the way - starting from Fürstenberg/Havel, you will cycle along the junction signposts through the…
Red large numbers show you the way - starting from Fürstenberg/Havel, you will cycle along…
Red large numbers show you the way - starting from Fürstenberg/Havel, you will cycle along the junction signposts through the north of the…
Red large numbers show you the way - starting from Fürstenberg/Havel, you will cycle along the junction signposts through the north of the…
Neuruppin | Ruppiner Seenland
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Lifebuoy at Lake Stolp, Foto: Doreen Balk, Lizenz: Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland e. V.
Löwenberger Land Cycle Path

Löwenberger Land Cycle Path Löwenberger Land Cycle Path Löwenberger Land Cycle Path Löwenberger Land Cycle Path
(47 km)

The Löwenberger Land Cycle Path runs from Oranienburg (district of Friedrichsthal) to the town of Lindow with its three lakes.…
The Löwenberger Land Cycle Path runs from Oranienburg (district of Friedrichsthal) to the…
The Löwenberger Land Cycle Path runs from Oranienburg (district of Friedrichsthal) to the town of Lindow with its three lakes. Oranienburg…
Past the castles of the Ruppiner Seenland Lake District, 38 kilometres The Löwenberger Land Cycle Path runs from Oranienburg (district of…
Neuruppin | Ruppiner Seenland
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Löwenberger-Land-Radweg (38 km), Stadtschloss Oranienburg, Foto TMB/Werk 3
Day Tour 12 to the Historic Town Centres of Templin & Gransee

Day Tour 12 to the Historic Town Centres of Templin &… Day Tour 12 to the Historic Town Centres of… Day Tour 12 to the Historic Town Centres of… Day Tour 12 to the Historic Town Centres of Templin & Gransee
(48 km)

This day tour takes you through the historic town centres of Templin and Gransee through woods. Lake and river landscape of the…
This day tour takes you through the historic town centres of Templin and Gransee through…
This day tour takes you through the historic town centres of Templin and Gransee through woods. Lake and river landscape of the Uckermark.…
This day tour takes you through the historic town centres of Templin and Gransee through woods. Lake and river landscape of the Uckermark.…
Neuruppin | Tour of the 2 regions
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Stadtmauer Templin, Foto: Anet Hoppe
Tierpark-Heide-Radweg (Naturroute Neuruppin)

Tierpark-Heide-Radweg (Naturroute Neuruppin) Tierpark-Heide-Radweg (Naturroute Neuruppin)
(21 km)

The Tierpark-Heide cycle path, also called the Neuruppin Nature Route, runs from the Rheinsberger Tor railway station in Neuruppin via the Kunsterspring Zoo to the Kyritz-Ruppiner Heide. The route, which leads mainly along forest paths, offers many places to stop for refreshments, which are signposted on the individual branches.  As an alternative to conventional asphalt cycle paths, the…
The Tierpark-Heide cycle path, also called the Neuruppin Nature Route, runs from the Rheinsberger Tor railway station in Neuruppin via the Kunsterspring Zoo to the Kyritz-Ruppiner Heide. The route, which leads mainly along forest paths, offers many places to stop for refreshments, which are…
The Tierpark-Heide cycle path, also called the Neuruppin Nature Route, runs from the Rheinsberger Tor railway station in Neuruppin via the Kunsterspring Zoo to the Kyritz-Ruppiner Heide. The route, which leads mainly along forest…
The Tierpark-Heide cycle path, also called the Neuruppin Nature Route, runs from the Rheinsberger Tor railway station in Neuruppin via the…
Neuruppin | Ruppiner Seenland
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Tierpark-Heide cycle path, Foto: Itta Olaj, Lizenz: Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland
Discover farm stores by bike: Kremmen's regional specialties

Discover farm stores by bike: Kremmen's regional… Discover farm stores by bike: Kremmen's… Discover farm stores by bike: Kremmen's regional… Discover farm stores by bike: Kremmen's regional specialties
(27 km)

Signed junctions point the way - bike lovers can explore the entire Ruppiner Seenland using the big red numbers. Starting from the…
Signed junctions point the way - bike lovers can explore the entire Ruppiner Seenland…
Signed junctions point the way - bike lovers can explore the entire Ruppiner Seenland using the big red numbers. Starting from the beautiful…
Signed junctions point the way - bike lovers can explore the entire Ruppiner Seenland using the big red numbers. Starting from the beautiful…
Neuruppin | Ruppiner Seenland
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Vehlefanz windmill, Foto: Jannika Olesch, Lizenz: Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland e.V.
Leisure triathlon around Neuruppin

Leisure triathlon around Neuruppin Leisure triathlon around Neuruppin Leisure triathlon around Neuruppin Leisure triathlon around Neuruppin
(29 km)

The leisure triathlon around Neuruppin is an excellent alternative for all those who prefer active pursuits: the first stage is a…
The leisure triathlon around Neuruppin is an excellent alternative for all those who…
The leisure triathlon around Neuruppin is an excellent alternative for all those who prefer active pursuits: the first stage is a bicycle…
The leisure triathlon around Neuruppin is an excellent alternative for all those who prefer active pursuits: the first stage is a bicycle…
Neuruppin | Ruppiner Seenland
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Bei Neuruppin, Foto: Steffen Lehmann, Lizenz: TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH
Stechlinsee Cycle Path

Stechlinsee Cycle Path Stechlinsee Cycle Path
(40 km)

From Gransee, the Stechlinsee Cycle Path leads partially along a historic railway line through Stechlin-Ruppiner Land Nature Park to Lake Stechlinsee, which is steeped in legend and is the largest freshwater lake in North Germany.  The Stechlinsee Cycle Path has a lot to offer: Freshwater lakes, beautiful beech forests, secluded bathing areas. But what use are a load of words; just go…
From Gransee, the Stechlinsee Cycle Path leads partially along a historic railway line through Stechlin-Ruppiner Land Nature Park to Lake Stechlinsee, which is steeped in legend and is the largest freshwater lake in North Germany.  The Stechlinsee Cycle Path has a lot to offer: Freshwater lakes,…
From Gransee, the Stechlinsee Cycle Path leads partially along a historic railway line through Stechlin-Ruppiner Land Nature Park to Lake Stechlinsee, which is steeped in legend and is the largest freshwater lake in North Germany.…
From Gransee, the Stechlinsee Cycle Path leads partially along a historic railway line through Stechlin-Ruppiner Land Nature Park to Lake…
Neuruppin | Ruppiner Seenland
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Anleger Am Stechlinsee, Foto: TMB-Fotoarchiv/Steffen Lehmann
Dutch Circular Trail

Dutch Circular Trail Dutch Circular Trail
(42 km)

The monument to Electress Louise-Henriette of Orange in front of Oranienburg Palace is one of the most striking indications of Dutch influence in the Havelbruch region. Although many details are explained in the exhibition on display in the restored rooms of the Baroque palace, a first-hand experience is much more powerful. This is best obtained by cycling northwards through the district…
The monument to Electress Louise-Henriette of Orange in front of Oranienburg Palace is one of the most striking indications of Dutch influence in the Havelbruch region. Although many details are explained in the exhibition on display in the restored rooms of the Baroque palace, a first-hand…
The monument to Electress Louise-Henriette of Orange in front of Oranienburg Palace is one of the most striking indications of Dutch influence in the Havelbruch region. Although many details are explained in the exhibition on…
The monument to Electress Louise-Henriette of Orange in front of Oranienburg Palace is one of the most striking indications of Dutch…
Oranienburg | Ruppiner Seenland
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Schloss Oranienburg, Foto: TV Ruppiner Seenland e.V., Lizenz: TV Ruppiner Seenland e.V.

Prignitz-Express-Tour Prignitz-Express-Tour Prignitz-Express-Tour Prignitz-Express-Tour
(42 km)

Railway romance in the east Prignitz-Ruppin. If you are looking for this, you have come to the right place! The route leads along…
Railway romance in the east Prignitz-Ruppin. If you are looking for this, you have come to…
Railway romance in the east Prignitz-Ruppin. If you are looking for this, you have come to the right place! The route leads along the…
Railway romance in the east Prignitz-Ruppin. If you are looking for this, you have come to the right place! The route leads along the…
Neuruppin | Ruppiner Seenland
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Crossing in Neuruppin, Foto: Jannika Olesch, Lizenz: Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland e. V.

Cycling tours for active sports enthusiasts

If you want to get on your bike and cover as much distance as possible in one day, you should already have some experience. The following tours are between 55 and 80 kilometers long.

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Experience the Havel Paradise

Experience the Havel Paradise Experience the Havel Paradise Experience the Havel Paradise Experience the Havel Paradise
(79 km)

Herons stand still by the river, the forest casts its shadows on the water. And where the Havel ripples into lakes, boats rock…
Herons stand still by the river, the forest casts its shadows on the water. And where the…
Herons stand still by the river, the forest casts its shadows on the water. And where the Havel ripples into lakes, boats rock gently on the…
Natural waterways from Fürstenberg/Havel to Oranienburg. Herons stand still by the river, the forest casts its shadows on the water. And…
Fürstenberg/Havel | Ruppiner Seenland
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Tonstichlandschaft bei Zehdenick, Foto: Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland e.V.
Oder-Havel Cycle Path

Oder-Havel Cycle Path Oder-Havel Cycle Path Oder-Havel Cycle Path Oder-Havel Cycle Path
(63 km)

The Oder-Havel Cycle Path offers a beautiful biking experience through the Finow Canal region, linking the rivers Oder and Havel…
The Oder-Havel Cycle Path offers a beautiful biking experience through the Finow Canal…
The Oder-Havel Cycle Path offers a beautiful biking experience through the Finow Canal region, linking the rivers Oder and Havel over a…
The Oder-Havel Cycle Path offers a beautiful biking experience through the Finow Canal region, linking the rivers Oder and Havel over a…
Eberswalde | Tour of the 3 regions
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Am Finowkanal, Foto: Jan Hoffmann
Dosse Towns Tour

Dosse Towns Tour Dosse Towns Tour Dosse Towns Tour Dosse Towns Tour
(55 km)

In the north and northwest of Brandenburg, the Dosse connects several towns with a very different, but always interesting…
In the north and northwest of Brandenburg, the Dosse connects several towns with a very…
In the north and northwest of Brandenburg, the Dosse connects several towns with a very different, but always interesting histories. The…
Dosse Towns Tour: Between Wittstock and Neustadt, cyclists follow the riverLength: 55 kilometres In the north and northwest of Brandenburg,…
Perleberg | Tour of the 3 regions
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Dosse-Städte-Tour, Foto: Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland
“Krämer Forst” Bicycle Tour

“Krämer Forst” Bicycle Tour “Krämer Forst” Bicycle Tour “Krämer Forst” Bicycle Tour “Krämer Forst” Bicycle Tour
(62 km)

The bike tour takes you through the “Krämer Forst” regional park, which is located directly at the western border of Berlin. The…
The bike tour takes you through the “Krämer Forst” regional park, which is located…
The bike tour takes you through the “Krämer Forst” regional park, which is located directly at the western border of Berlin. The Krämer…
Through the woodland in the heart of the Glien, 56 kilometres The bike tour takes you through the “Krämer Forst” regional park, which is…
Nauen OT Ribbeck | Tour of the 2 regions
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Radtour "Krämer Forst" (56 km), Foto: TV Havelland e.V.
Day Tour 11 to the Historic Town Centres of Wittstock (Dosse), Kyritz, Wusterhausen (Dosse) & Neuruppin

Day Tour 11 to the Historic Town Centres of Wittstock… Day Tour 11 to the Historic Town Centres of… Day Tour 11 to the Historic Town Centres of… Day Tour 11 to the Historic Town Centres of Wittstock (Dosse), Kyritz,…
(74 km)

This day tour allows you to discover the historic town centres of Wittstock, Kyritz, Wusterhausen and Neuruppin and takes you…
This day tour allows you to discover the historic town centres of Wittstock, Kyritz,…
This day tour allows you to discover the historic town centres of Wittstock, Kyritz, Wusterhausen and Neuruppin and takes you along small…
This day tour allows you to discover the historic town centres of Wittstock, Kyritz, Wusterhausen and Neuruppin and takes you along small…
Neuruppin | Tour of the 2 regions
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Radler vor der Stadtmauer in Wittstock, Foto: StudioProkopy, Lizenz: StudioProkopy
Day Tour 14 to the Historic Town Centres of Nauen, Kremmen & Neuruppin

Day Tour 14 to the Historic Town Centres of Nauen, Kremmen &… Day Tour 14 to the Historic Town Centres of… Day Tour 14 to the Historic Town Centres of Nauen,… Day Tour 14 to the Historic Town Centres of Nauen, Kremmen & Neuruppin
(55 km)

This day tour takes you through the historic town centres of Nauen, Kremmen und Neuruppin. This tour allows you to enjoy the peace…
This day tour takes you through the historic town centres of Nauen, Kremmen und Neuruppin.…
This day tour takes you through the historic town centres of Nauen, Kremmen und Neuruppin. This tour allows you to enjoy the peace and…
This day tour takes you through the historic town centres of Nauen, Kremmen und Neuruppin. This tour allows you to enjoy the peace and…
Nauen | Tour of the 2 regions
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Landschaft bei Nauen
Experience the Havel Paradise

Experience the Havel Paradise Experience the Havel Paradise
(79 km)

Herons stand still by the river, the forest casts its shadows on the water. And where the Havel ripples into lakes, boats rock gently on the waves. The tour from Fürstenberg/Havel to Oranienburg just outside Berlin follows the blue-and-green ribbon of the River Havel with the meadows and forests that accompany it. It was this landscape with its people and stories that inspired the poet…
Herons stand still by the river, the forest casts its shadows on the water. And where the Havel ripples into lakes, boats rock gently on the waves. The tour from Fürstenberg/Havel to Oranienburg just outside Berlin follows the blue-and-green ribbon of the River Havel with the meadows and forests…
Herons stand still by the river, the forest casts its shadows on the water. And where the Havel ripples into lakes, boats rock gently on the waves. The tour from Fürstenberg/Havel to Oranienburg just outside Berlin follows the…
Natural waterways from Fürstenberg/Havel to Oranienburg. Herons stand still by the river, the forest casts its shadows on the water. And…
Fürstenberg/Havel | Ruppiner Seenland
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Tonstichlandschaft bei Zehdenick, Foto: Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland e.V.
Oder-Havel Cycle Path

Oder-Havel Cycle Path Oder-Havel Cycle Path Oder-Havel Cycle Path Oder-Havel Cycle Path
(63 km)

The Oder-Havel Cycle Path offers a beautiful biking experience through the Finow Canal region, linking the rivers Oder and Havel…
The Oder-Havel Cycle Path offers a beautiful biking experience through the Finow Canal…
The Oder-Havel Cycle Path offers a beautiful biking experience through the Finow Canal region, linking the rivers Oder and Havel over a…
The Oder-Havel Cycle Path offers a beautiful biking experience through the Finow Canal region, linking the rivers Oder and Havel over a…
Eberswalde | Tour of the 3 regions
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Am Finowkanal, Foto: Jan Hoffmann
Dosse Towns Tour

Dosse Towns Tour Dosse Towns Tour Dosse Towns Tour Dosse Towns Tour
(55 km)

In the north and northwest of Brandenburg, the Dosse connects several towns with a very different, but always interesting…
In the north and northwest of Brandenburg, the Dosse connects several towns with a very…
In the north and northwest of Brandenburg, the Dosse connects several towns with a very different, but always interesting histories. The…
Dosse Towns Tour: Between Wittstock and Neustadt, cyclists follow the riverLength: 55 kilometres In the north and northwest of Brandenburg,…
Perleberg | Tour of the 3 regions
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Dosse-Städte-Tour, Foto: Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland
“Krämer Forst” Bicycle Tour

“Krämer Forst” Bicycle Tour “Krämer Forst” Bicycle Tour
(62 km)

The bike tour takes you through the “Krämer Forst” regional park, which is located directly at the western border of Berlin. The Krämer Forst park is a pristine woodland area surrounded by many Glien villages. Length: 62 kilometresStart/finish: Velten train stationLogo/route sign: “Krämer Forst” logo with a red border.How to get there: Train: Take the S25 from Berlin Friedrichstrasse to…
The bike tour takes you through the “Krämer Forst” regional park, which is located directly at the western border of Berlin. The Krämer Forst park is a pristine woodland area surrounded by many Glien villages. Length: 62 kilometresStart/finish: Velten train stationLogo/route sign: “Krämer Forst”…
The bike tour takes you through the “Krämer Forst” regional park, which is located directly at the western border of Berlin. The Krämer Forst park is a pristine woodland area surrounded by many Glien villages. Length: 62…
Through the woodland in the heart of the Glien, 56 kilometres The bike tour takes you through the “Krämer Forst” regional park, which is…
Nauen OT Ribbeck | Tour of the 2 regions
Find out more!
Radtour "Krämer Forst" (56 km), Foto: TV Havelland e.V.

Find the nearest bike rental

Radfahrer vorm Schloss Oranienburg Radfahrer vorm Schloss Oranienburg, Picture: Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland e.V./Thomas Widerin

Cycling holiday with comfort

Good to know!


Certified "Bett+Bike" accommodation caters to the special wishes of cyclists. This makes your cycling holiday a feel-good holiday!

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Cycling maps and information material

Whether "cycling by numbers" or on the road on one of the long-distance cycle routes - you can get suitable maps and further information from us. To download or order by post.

This is what you can experience off the cycle paths

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