• The Rhinluch-Runde in Fehrbellin,
                    Picture: Itta Olaj The Rhinluch-Runde in Fehrbellin, Picture: Itta Olaj
    Welcome in Fehrbellin!

Fehrbellin Paddlers' Paradise and Prussian Place of Remembrance

Fehrbellin became known throughout Europe in 1675, when Brandenburg-Prussian troops under Frederick William "the Great" defeated the Swedes at the gates of the town and Brandenburg-Prussia thus rose to become a great power. The "Battle of Fehrbellin" is commemorated by a 36-metre-high victory column in the Hakenberg district, which offers a view as far as Fehrbellin in good weather. The successful elector is commemorated by a bulbous bronze statue in the local Kurfürstenpark, which is also a regular venue for concerts or the Fehrbellin Festival. Thanks to its location on the Rhin, the town is also an excellent starting point for an extended canoe or boat tour through the picturesque Rhinluch. Fehrbellin is also one of the few places with its own airfield, where guests can watch Cessnas, trikes and parachutists or even take off themselves.

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Restaurants in Fehrbellin

Staying overnight in Fehrbellin and the surrounding area

Tourist-Information Fehrbellin in der Stadtbücherei

Fehrbellin im Rhinluch blickt auf bedeutende Ereignisse in der brandenburg-preußischen Geschichte zurück. In der Schlacht von Fehrbellin wurden im Jahr 1675 die schwedischen Truppen geschlagen. Heute… Fehrbellin im Rhinluch blickt auf bedeutende Ereignisse in der brandenburg-preußischen Geschichte zurück. In der Schlacht von Fehrbellin wurden im Jahr 1675 die schwedischen Truppen geschlagen. Heute besticht das… Fehrbellin im Rhinluch blickt auf bedeutende Ereignisse in der brandenburg-preußischen Geschichte…
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Weather Today, 5. 3.

6 9
scattered clouds

  • Thursday
    3 13
  • Friday
    4 15

Weather Today, 6. 3.

3 13
clear sky

  • Friday
    4 15
  • Saturday
    4 14

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Weather Today, 5. 3.

6 9
scattered clouds

  • Thursday
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  • Friday
    4 15

Weather Today, 6. 3.

3 13
clear sky

  • Friday
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