• Der Glasklare Stechlinsee,
                Picture: Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland e.V./Peter Krause Der Glasklare Stechlinsee, Picture: Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland e.V./Peter Krause
    Welcome to Neuglobsow!
  • Welcome to Neuglobsow!

Neuglobsow A Crystal clear resort

The crystal-clear lake of Stechlin once inspired Theodor Fontane to write his last novel, "Der Stechlin" (The Stechlin), and after that at the latest, Neuglobsow became a Mecca for city dwellers in need of peace and quiet. The picturesque village in the middle of the nature reserve was founded around 1780, when a glassworks moved its production from Altglobsow to the middle of the forest and the lake due to a shortage of wood. Even today, the preserved half-timbered houses of the glassmakers characterise the village's appearance and a small museum tells of its history. However, Neuglobsow owes its seal of approval as a state-recognised resort more to the dense beech forests around it and the deep blue Stechlinsee lake, which is famous for its good visibility among divers. You can follow in Fontane's footsteps on the path to Fenchelberg, the highest point with a magnificent view of the water. For refreshments, there are restaurants and cafés in the town centre on the shore of the much smaller Dagowsee.

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Enjoy the culinary delights of Neuglobsow

Stay overnight in Neuglobsow and surroundings

Stechlin Tourist Information Centre

Stechlin is not just the name of a novel by Theodor Fontane – it’s also an actual municipality. It is made up of such town districts as Dollgow, Menz and Neuglobsow/Dagow and is located in the… Stechlin is not just the name of a novel by Theodor Fontane – it’s also an actual municipality. It is made up of such town districts as Dollgow, Menz and Neuglobsow/Dagow and is located in the Stechlin-Ruppiner Land… Stechlin is not just the name of a novel by Theodor Fontane – it’s also an actual municipality. It…
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Weather Today, 26. 3.

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