• Kirche in Linum,
                Picture: Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland e.V./Dirk Wetzel Kirche in Linum, Picture: Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland e.V./Dirk Wetzel
    Welcome to Linum!

Stork village Linum Paradise for animals and humans

The Linumer Teichlandschaft with its former peat ponds is an insider tip among nature and bird lovers. Several observation points offer wide views of the shallow ponds and meadows, where about 50,000 cranes and wild geese rest from September onwards on their flight south. Directly in the Linum ponds is also the small harbour, which provides cosy resting places for canoeists and boat excursionists on the Rhinluch circuit. And another bird species regularly lands there: Up to 20 pairs of storks breed in Linum every year, earning the village the nickname Stork Village. Along the village street there are also several farm shops with regional specialities, fresh fruit and vegetables, and opportunities to stop for a bite to eat. As early as the 18th century, Linum supplied travellers on the old Hamburg post road, which ran through the village at that time. Another eye-catcher in the village centre is the neo-Gothic village church, where the religious poet Luise Hensel was born in the neighbouring vicarage.

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Eating in Linum

Stay in Linum and surroundings

Tourist-Information Fehrbellin in der Stadtbücherei

Fehrbellin im Rhinluch blickt auf bedeutende Ereignisse in der brandenburg-preußischen Geschichte zurück. In der Schlacht von Fehrbellin wurden im Jahr 1675 die schwedischen Truppen geschlagen. Heute… Fehrbellin im Rhinluch blickt auf bedeutende Ereignisse in der brandenburg-preußischen Geschichte zurück. In der Schlacht von Fehrbellin wurden im Jahr 1675 die schwedischen Truppen geschlagen. Heute besticht das… Fehrbellin im Rhinluch blickt auf bedeutende Ereignisse in der brandenburg-preußischen Geschichte…
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Weather Today, 6. 3.

3 13
clear sky

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    4 15
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Weather Today, 5. 3.

6 9
scattered clouds

  • Thursday
    3 13
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    4 15

Weather Today, 6. 3.

3 13
clear sky

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    4 15
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    4 14
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