• Sommerswalde Castle,
                    Picture: Jannika Olesch Sommerswalde Castle, Picture: Jannika Olesch
    Welcome to Schwante!

Schwante From castle to castle

The small town of Schwante, situated on the edge of the beautiful Luchland and only 25 kilometres from Berlin, boasts two castles: Schloss Sommerswalde in Schwanter Forst, which was modelled on the plans for the Berlin Reichstag in 1888, is now a Buddhist meditation centre. A medieval moated castle originally stood on the site of Schwante Castle, which was later covered by a three-winged manor house. For a long time, the later Count von Redern family lived here and had a decisive influence on Schwante. Today, the manor park is a particular attraction, where sculptures by international artists such as Ai Weiwei and Hans Arp blend with wild greenery. The lakeside circular walk around the Mühlensee is also an invitation to take an extensive stroll. Schwante achieved brief fame when the GDR SPD was founded in the vicarage in October 1989.

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Eating in Schwante

Stay overnight in Schwante and surroundings

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