Havel Cycle Path

Bike tours
Length: 397 km
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Length: 397 km
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p.P. = pro Person, p.P./N = pro Person / Nacht, p.E./N = pro Einheit/ Nacht, EZ = Einzelzimmer, DZ = Doppelzimmer, FeWo = Holiday flats /home, App. = Appartement, Suite = Suite, FR = Frühstück, HP = Halbpension, VP = VollPension
Accompany the River Havel for 397 km on its fantastic and varied course before it merges with River Elbe, along the numerous lakes lined up like pearls on a string, through woodlands and terminal moraine landscapes. The serenity of the nature reserve offers the perfect opportunity for observing the indigenous sea eagle in its natural habitat. Unspoiled nature and industrial culture peacefully coexist throughout the clay-pit landscapes, around the VossKanal or at the ‘Gnevsdorfer Vorfluter‘. Not to forget the architectual remnants of Prussian culture to be found in the many palaces, residences and parks along the shore.
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  • Radfahrerin in Himmelpfort, Foto: Michelle Engel, Lizenz: TV Ruppiner Seenland
  • Havelradweg bei Brandenburg, Foto: TMB
  • Havelradweg bei Ketzin, Foto: TMB
Length: 397 km

Start: Havelquelle in Ankershagen/Pieverstorf, accessible from Kratzeburg railway station - to the Havelquelle in the opposite direction another approx. 10 km, or Waren (Müritz) railway station - approx. 35 km to the Havelquelle, also signposted.
Finish: Gnevsdorf


A dark blue direction sign saying “Havel Radweg“ in white letters, depicting symbols such as the curved light blue line and orange bicycle.

How to get there: Take the RE5 (Rostock) from Berlin central station to Kratzeburg. From here, you either cycle in the direction of Berlin of travel for about 10 kilometres in the opposite direction to start at the source of the River Havel (about 1.5 hours).
Return journey: From Gnevsdorf by bike approx. 16 km on the Elbe Cycle Path to Wittenberge. From here, RE2 (Cottbus) runs hourly to Berlin Hauptbahnhof (approx. 90 minutes).

Cycling Path Conditions /Path Construction

The paths are in excellent condition in Brandenburg’s Federal State county Oberhavel, extending from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to the border of Berlin. They are entirely paved or go on quiet side roads.

Underway in Potsdam available cycling paths can be used. There is a brand new cycling path between Potsdam and Brandenburg an der Havel. Between the latter and Havelberg cyclists partly follow the rural roads or go on bike paths built right next to the roads.

Map Recommendations

"Bikeline Havel-Radweg mit Havelland-Radweg." Von der Mecklenburgischen Seenplatte an die Elbe. 1:50.000. Radtourenbuch, Erscheinungsdatum 03/2021, Herausgeber: Verlag Esterbauer

"KOMPASS Fahrrad-Tourenkarte Havel-Radweg", 1:50.000 Fahrrad-Tourenkarte. GPS-genau. 1:50000. Karte, Erscheinungsdatum: 18.03.2021, Herausgeber: Kompass-Karten GmbH

"Radwander- und Wanderkarte Havel-Radweg", 1:50.000 (mit Zick-Zack Faltung)

Entlang der Havel von der Quelle in Ankershagen über Fürstenberg, Berlin und Potsdam bis Havelberg an der Elbe, Erscheinungsdatum 01.10.2021, Herausgeber: Barthel Verlag
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Accompany the River Havel for 397 km on its fantastic and varied course before it merges with River Elbe, along the numerous lakes lined up like pearls on a string, through woodlands and terminal moraine landscapes. The serenity of the nature reserve offers the perfect opportunity for observing the indigenous sea eagle in its natural habitat. Unspoiled nature and industrial culture peacefully coexist throughout the clay-pit landscapes, around the VossKanal or at the ‘Gnevsdorfer Vorfluter‘. Not to forget the architectual remnants of Prussian culture to be found in the many palaces, residences and parks along the shore.
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  • Radfahrerin in Himmelpfort, Foto: Michelle Engel, Lizenz: TV Ruppiner Seenland
  • Havelradweg bei Brandenburg, Foto: TMB
  • Havelradweg bei Ketzin, Foto: TMB
Length: 397 km

Start: Havelquelle in Ankershagen/Pieverstorf, accessible from Kratzeburg railway station - to the Havelquelle in the opposite direction another approx. 10 km, or Waren (Müritz) railway station - approx. 35 km to the Havelquelle, also signposted.
Finish: Gnevsdorf


A dark blue direction sign saying “Havel Radweg“ in white letters, depicting symbols such as the curved light blue line and orange bicycle.

How to get there: Take the RE5 (Rostock) from Berlin central station to Kratzeburg. From here, you either cycle in the direction of Berlin of travel for about 10 kilometres in the opposite direction to start at the source of the River Havel (about 1.5 hours).
Return journey: From Gnevsdorf by bike approx. 16 km on the Elbe Cycle Path to Wittenberge. From here, RE2 (Cottbus) runs hourly to Berlin Hauptbahnhof (approx. 90 minutes).

Cycling Path Conditions /Path Construction

The paths are in excellent condition in Brandenburg’s Federal State county Oberhavel, extending from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to the border of Berlin. They are entirely paved or go on quiet side roads.

Underway in Potsdam available cycling paths can be used. There is a brand new cycling path between Potsdam and Brandenburg an der Havel. Between the latter and Havelberg cyclists partly follow the rural roads or go on bike paths built right next to the roads.

Map Recommendations

"Bikeline Havel-Radweg mit Havelland-Radweg." Von der Mecklenburgischen Seenplatte an die Elbe. 1:50.000. Radtourenbuch, Erscheinungsdatum 03/2021, Herausgeber: Verlag Esterbauer

"KOMPASS Fahrrad-Tourenkarte Havel-Radweg", 1:50.000 Fahrrad-Tourenkarte. GPS-genau. 1:50000. Karte, Erscheinungsdatum: 18.03.2021, Herausgeber: Kompass-Karten GmbH

"Radwander- und Wanderkarte Havel-Radweg", 1:50.000 (mit Zick-Zack Faltung)

Entlang der Havel von der Quelle in Ankershagen über Fürstenberg, Berlin und Potsdam bis Havelberg an der Elbe, Erscheinungsdatum 01.10.2021, Herausgeber: Barthel Verlag
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