• Barrierefreies Seehotel Rheinsberg,
                Picture: Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland e.V./Madlen Krippendorf Barrierefreies Seehotel Rheinsberg, Picture: Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland e.V./Madlen Krippendorf
    Carefree sleep

    Barrier-free accommodation offers

    Barrier-free accommodation offers

  • Carefree sleep

Barrier-free accommodations Wheelchair-accessible hotels, vacation apartments and campsites

All guests can relax here: accessible and low-barrier hotels, vacation apartments and campsites offer comfort to people in wheelchairs, with hearing or visual impairments or mental disabilities and meet individual needs. The information collected on accessibility was gathered locally and reliably.

Discover our tips for accessible vacation accommodation now!

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Barrier-free hotels & guesthouses

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(+49) 03391 659630 We are available for you: Mon - Fri 08:30 - 16:30.

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In case your enquiry did not result in a booking, we will be getting in touch with you as quickly as possible during our service hours from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

We are also glad to answer all of your questions surrounding the State of Brandenburg at (+49)(0)331- 200 47 47. Please send us an e-mail at service@reiseland-brandenburg.de.

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